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Resources to help eLearning designers grow their skills.


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Creating an eLearning course outline can help you organize your eLearning content, visualize how your content will be structured, and how the learner will flow from one topic to another.

Tim Slade

A degree will not provide you the practical, real-world skills and experience that most employers are looking for.

Tim Slade

A task analysis is a process of analyzing a specific task to determine how it’s completed, step-by-step.

Tim Slade

The truth is, people don’t hate eLearning; people hate bad eLearning.

Tim Slade

Scope creep refers to the unexpected, uncontrollable, or continuous change in the scope of the overall project after it has begun.

Tim Slade

The goal of creating a prototype is to validate the design and functionality of your eLearning course before you develop the entire thing.

Tim Slade

Scoping an eLearning project simply means defining all of the parameters, tasks, roles, responsibilities, deliverables, timelines, and sometimes the cost for a project before it begins.

Tim Slade

An eLearning project plan is a document designed to outline all the details necessary to implement the project.

Tim Slade

If you have to teach your learners how to use your course, then you might need to redesign your course.

Tim Slade

Locking down your eLearning course will not force learning to occur.

Tim Slade

An eLearning development timeline outlines the responsibilities and due dates for each task required to complete the project.

Tim Slade

Once you understand the specific behaviors you’re looking to change with your eLearning course, you can then target your eLearning interactions towards those behaviors.

Tim Slade

Rather than using learning styles, the best approach is to let the content and the complexity of the task or skill being taught drive the method of instruction.

Tim Slade

The effectiveness of any eLearning course depends on how the learner processes the information provided, and whether or not that information is committed to long-term memory.

Tim Slade

Your learners only need the most minimal amount of information to do their jobs at the expected level of performance.

Tim Slade

An instructional design document provides a high-level overview of a training curriculum comprised of several training objects or modalities.

Tim Slade

A click-to-reveal interaction is any interaction where the learner clicks a button and content is revealed, whether it’s some text, a video, or anything else.

Tim Slade
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